All business have to submit details of their profit & loss account to HM Revenue & Customs each year whether this is through your own personal self assessment tax return or through a partnership or Corporation tax return.
LJ Smith Accountants produce the necessary tax computations and calculations to ensure the returns are correct as well as making sure that they are filed on time to avoid penalties.
Within the personal service we supply we look to ensure that all tax planning opportunities are brought to your attention and taken where applicable to your business. Tax legislation is always being changed and we ensure that we review this regularly and are always up to date to assist you and your business wherever necessary.
Being proactive and efficient is ideal in the way we deal with tax planning and we try to maintain this with pre-year end meetings where desired to review up to date accounts information and all aspects of the business. can ensure that it is all done correctly, on time and within the regulations.

Get in touch today to schedule a FREE consultation
We help clubs and charities
We also deal with several Charities and clubs to ensure that they complete the relevant accounts either for their own regulations or that of a governing body.
Tools & Calculators
We have a range of intuitive online calculators that make it simple to estimate your net gains and liabilities in a variety of situations.
Tax Investigations
HM Revenue & Customs can commence an investigation or enquiry into your affairs for a variety of reasons or simply for no reason at all.
We can deal with these on your behalf and also point you in the direction of ‘Tax Investigations Insurance’ providers that protect you from our fees in dealing with these for just a small annual cost.